Trout is the common name given to some species of freshwater fish belonging to the salmon family, Salmonidae. All fish that are properly called trout are members of the subfamily Salmoninae, but the name is used for fish from all three genera in the sub-family: Salmo, which includes Atlantic species; Oncorhynchus, which includes Pacific species; and Salvelinus, which includes fish referred to as char or charr including brook trout. Brook trout fishing requires an excellent knowledge of the trout’s nature and the environment it lives in so you can be successful in your fishing.

Brook trout are one of the tastiest trout to eat and can mainly be in cold moving water throughout the Rocky Mountains, including creeks, lakes, rivers, and streams. They prefer medium to fast-flowing water that is on the cool side in the range of 57 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and water that contains lots of oxygen like spring-fed streams and pools. During the spawn, they can be found in clean shallow pools that contain lots of gravel on the bottom. They are described as being stationary and can also be found under the cover of logs, rocks, and undercut banks. The larger, older brook trout commonly inhabit the deeper pools and move to the shallow water to feed.

Since brook trout, also known as brookies, mostly live in colder water, they are slow-moving and have a life span of up to about eight years. One of the identifying characteristics of the brook trout is their long, streamlined body and largemouth, which extends past their eyes. Their body color can vary slightly and includes blue-gray, olive, or black above and their bellies are typically silvery white. Brook trout also have striking red dots with blue halos making them one of the easier fish to identify. Although the biggest tell-tale markers used to identify brook trout are the spotted dorsal fin and worm-like marking along its back referred to as vermiculations. In general, their tail fins are square, but some rare specimens are seen with a slightly forked tail fin. They can also easily be identified by looking at their lower fins that have a white front edge and black with the rest of the fin being reddish-orange. The male brook trout can appear as bright orange-red along their sides during fall, which is their breeding time.

The key to successful freshwater fishing is to walk slowly and steadily and avoid making splashing motions because this can scare away the fish. Wade in the center of the creek and then cast your line towards the bank. Do not worry if the water is a little shallow, brook trout will amaze you as to the places that they can hide. Although you can gain access to more places if you wade in the water, it is possible to fish from the bank. With either place you choose to fish from, make sure that you see the bottom so you know just how deep the water is. Brook trout are voracious feeders and have the potential to consume a large number of different bait such as crustaceans, fishes, worms, terrestrial insects, zooplankton, and aquatic insects. You can use various lures and baits in brook trout fishing, including wet and dry flies, crickets, worms, grasshoppers, spoons, and spinners.